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International Council of Ophthalmology (ICO)

The ICO considers that all ophthalmologists in the world, wherever they wish to practice, should have the same knowledge of basic science in order to understand the principles underlying their clinical practice.

The have created a Basic Science Assessment designed so that individual candidates may assess themselves, and ophthalmology departments may assess their residents in training, against a recognized international standard.  They also have a Clinical Sciences Assessment designed to discover whether candidates have acquired the breadth and depth of knowledge of the clinical sciences related to ophthalmology to enable them to recognize and treat the diseases of the eye with which they will come in contact in day to day practice.

The tests are intended to complement but not to replace existing examinations in basic and clinical science. However, the assessment is recognized for exemption from parts of the examinations held by several national examination bodies and colleges.

The Council is of the opinion that all ophthalmologists, wherever they are working, should have a similar theoretical knowledge of the basic and clinical sciences related to ophthalmology.

We recommend that all ophthalmologists internationally take these tests simultaneously to their own national tests and that it becomes a standard which becomes accepted for international accreditation.

International Federation of Ophthalmologic Societies (IFOS)


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Last modified: December 18, 1999